Koncert grupy "tanghetto"

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Koncert grupy "tanghetto"

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Stowarzyszenie Gutshaus Ramin zaprasza we wtorek, 21.06.2021 o 20:00 na niezwykły koncert grupy "tanghetto"!

Jesteśmy częścią europejskiej trasy, wśród takich miast jak m.in. Wiedeń, Monachium, Hamburg, Duesseldorf Bazylea. Grupa gości u nas po raz drugi, poprzednio grała w Raminie w roku 2017. Tym razem wystąpi jako trio i zaproponuje widzom 1,5 godziny doskonale brzmiącej muzyki w klimacie tanga. W przeciwieństwie do dużych sal koncertowych nasz Dworek proponuje absolutnie kameralny nastrój i bliski kontakt z muzykami. Po koncercie możliwość poznania muzyków w ramach "get together" jak i kontynuacja w formie milongi   

Cena biletu 30,00 €, do nabycia online www.gutshaus-ramin.de/events/
"Tanghetto is an electrotango band that was formed in Buenos Aires and is one of the leading contemporary tango orchestras of Argentina. The band began playing in the classic milongas of Buenos Aires such as La Viruta or Salón Canning and started playing in the most important tango festivals and soon became an international electrotango sensation. They have played at all the main tango festivals of the world, including Mundial de Tango in Buenos Aires, Festival de Tango also of Buenos Aires, Festival de Tango in Medellín, the Tarbes Tango Festival in France, the OsterTango Festival in Basel, the Rivertango in London,Tango Camp in Europe iamong others. Tanghetto has a new “Re-Milonguero” set especially for dancers, which includes electrotango versions of tango classics (such as Bahía Blanca or Danzarín) and the most danceable Tanghetto repertoire. In 2021 Tanghetto achieved a new nomination for Best Tango Orchestra at the Gardel Awards, the most important music award in Argentina, and its fourth nomination for the Latin Grammy Awards for Best Tango Album. In 2022, the band opened in February headlining the first night of the Buenos Aires Electrotango Festival, where they played their sold-out "Re-Milonguero" set. In March Tanghetto plays in the most important milongas in Buenos Aires and returns to tour the world. Through the years many of the greatest dancers of the newer generations shared stages with Tanghetto: Chicho Frumboli, Johana Copes, Horacio Godoy, Sebastián Arce and Mariana Montes, Eugenia Parrilla, Fabián Salas, Julio Balmaceda and Corina de la Rosa, Claudio González and Melina Brufman, Damián Rosenthal and Celine Ruiz, Gastón Torelli and Moira Castellano, Juampy Ramirez, Suyai Serpa, Mauro Caiazza and his Compañía Tango Freestyle among many, many others. Tanghetto is an artistic and musically versatile project ideal for tango festivals or milongas and stages of different parts of the world.

Cieszymy się bardzo na spotkanie z Państwem/Wami!

Serdecznie pozdrawiamy

Jolanta Grenke & Edward Orlowski

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Gminy partnerskie

Projekt POIS.02.03.00-0307/17
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